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picture book


Finding Rabbits


Hop Hop Hop Hop 


Where are the Rabbits?


Hop Hop Hop Hop


Come and find me.

Finding Rabbits


Hop Hop Hop Hop 


Where are the Rabbits?


Hop Hop Hop Hop


Come and find me.

Finding Rabbits


Hop Hop Hop Hop 


Where are the Rabbits?


Hop Hop Hop Hop


Come and find me.

Finding Rabbits


Hop Hop Hop Hop 


Where are the Rabbits?


Hop Hop Hop Hop


Come and find me.

Finding Rabbits


Hop Hop Hop Hop 


Where are the Rabbits?


Hop Hop Hop Hop


Come and find me.

Finding Rabbits


Hop Hop Hop Hop 


Where are the Rabbits?


Hop Hop Hop Hop


Come and find me.



「なんだろう なんだろう」と、みんなで進んでいくと、 たどり着いたのは猫のバンシルさんのおうちでした。

​ お庭へ行くと、まあびっくり!そこにはたくさんの本が積んであります。 ​どうぶつたちは喜んで、次の日もそのまた次の日も通うようになりましたが、 ある時、本の間にはさまっている紙を見つけて……。


発行 株式会社ニコモ 
監修 ひるねこBOOKS 小張隆
印刷・製本 光陽社

2021年7月3日 初版第1刷発行
H 233mm × W 181mm
定価 1,600円(+税)

I was in charge of illustration and story in 7th Hiruneko Books the picture book.

One day, there were paper with arrow drawing on the tree.
This picture book is a story that depicts the connection with people starting from books.

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